Eucentric Five Axis Table


The E5AT stage is a five-axis positioning tool especially designed to allow tilting samples to ±90 deg while allowing unlimited rotation of the sample and keeping the area of interest at the eucentric position. The system consists of a small four-axis substage mounted on a tilting platform. The substage offers a range of 10 mm by 10 mm in the X and Y directions and 3 mm in the Z direction. Additionally, the rotational axis allows unlimited rotation of the sample through 360 deg. The tilting platform is fitted with a positional encoder with a resolution of 0.1 deg.

Below, some videos created with the help of the E5AT are shown. The 'nano flights' are presented with kind permission from Stefan Diller, Wuerzburg, Germany.

© S. Diller /, 2013

(please note: by default, the videos embedded below will play in HD quality and may not run smoothly on insufficiently powerful hardware. SD versions are available from within the players.)

SCIFOO 2014 Trailer

SCIFOO 2014 nanoflights Trailer from nanoflight on Vimeo.

DGE Technikpreis 2013

DGE Technikpreis 2013 Regensburg from nanoflight on Vimeo.

Plant surfaces

Pflanzenoberflächen from nanoflight on Vimeo.

Euploea Caterpillar

6 euploea caterpillar from nanoflight on Vimeo.

Greta oto (Glas wing butterfly)

Greta oto (Glas wing butterfly), cocon from nanoflight on Vimeo.