Eucentric Five Axis Table
The E5AT stage is a five-axis positioning tool especially designed to allow tilting samples to ±90 deg while allowing unlimited rotation of the sample and keeping the area of interest at the eucentric position. The system consists of a small four-axis substage mounted on a tilting platform. The substage offers a range of 10 mm by 10 mm in the X and Y directions and 3 mm in the Z direction. Additionally, the rotational axis allows unlimited rotation of the sample through 360 deg. The tilting platform is fitted with a positional encoder with a resolution of 0.1 deg.
Below, some videos created with the help of the E5AT are shown. The 'nano flights' are presented with kind permission from Stefan Diller, Wuerzburg, Germany.
© S. Diller /, 2013
SCIFOO 2014 Trailer
DGE Technikpreis 2013
Plant surfaces
Pflanzenoberflächen from nanoflight on Vimeo.
Schwämme: Aplysina, Ircinia, Thetya from nanoflight on Vimeo.
Euploea Caterpillar
6 euploea caterpillar from nanoflight on Vimeo.
Greta oto (Glas wing butterfly)
Greta oto (Glas wing butterfly), cocon from nanoflight on Vimeo.